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Dental Bridges Collins Street Melbourne CBD - Dental Advance

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge can replace one or more of your missing teeth. The bridge includes two crowns that are placed on the surrounding teeth and act as anchors; these anchor teeth are known as the abutment teeth. Between the abutment teeth, false teeth called pontics fill in the gaps in your smile.

Preparation for a Dental Bridge

We begin the treatment for your dental bridge in by preparing your abutment teeth. This step involves reshaping these teeth so that we can place the bridge anchors on them. Traditionally, multiple appointments and a waiting period of a few weeks were required to manufacture a dental bridge. Innovative CEREC technology minimizes this wait and allows us to create in-house dental bridges faster than lab-manufactured ones.

The process for making a CEREC Dental Bridge

CEREC (chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramic) uses digital scanning and computer-assisted design and manufacturing that make it possible to produce same-day dental bridges. After we take digital impressions of your teeth, we use computer software to design your bridge. A milling machine that functions like a 3D printer produces your new dental bridge while you relax. When your bridge is complete, we cement it onto the abutment teeth to secure it. We use the technology for CEREC dental bridges in to make our dental bridges in-house so we can restore your smile faster than a lab.

What happens after you get a Dental Bridge?

After you get your bridge you can brush and floss your bridge as normal and follow our recommendations for your dental cleanings and appointments. Because the bridge is a single piece that connects multiple teeth together, you will have to use special tools, like a water pik, floss threader, or interdental brushes, to clean under and around your bridge. We will show you how to use these tools when you get your bridge so you are comfortable cleaning around it. Most dental bridges last between 10 and 20 years; you can prolong the lifespan of your bridge with proper dental hygiene.

How does a dental bridge improve your dental health?

Missing teeth negatively impact your health, making it hard to chew nutritious food and preventing you from confidently smiling and interacting with others. A missing tooth can change the shape of your mouth, allowing other teeth to shift into the gaps from your missing teeth. This can cause jaw misalignment and affect your bite, making it hard for you to eat and drink comfortably and contributing to headaches and muscle pain.


A way to fill in gaps, including spaces between missing and real teeth.

Dental Bridges

Benefits of a dental bridge

A dental bridge has multiple benefits that make it an excellent alternative for replacing missing teeth:

It’s easier to chew and eat

One of the main functions of your teeth is ripping food into chunks and chewing it so it's ready to swallow. A dental bridge in ensures you have all your teeth so that you can eat a varied and nutritious diet that includes all foods.

Your speech will improve

A dental bridge will make it easier for you to speak clearly. Many patients struggle to articulate specific sounds when they’re missing certain teeth.

You’ll boost your self-esteem

Replacing your missing teeth with a dental bridge gives you the confidence you need to feel comfortable smiling and talking.

​Dental treatments for all ages.


​We are here to help you keep smiling from infancy through adulthood.

Repairs, reinstates shape, and improves your smile.

Dental Bonding

Restore the affected tooth's size, shape, appearance, and strength.

Dental Crowns

A filling is used to treat a small hole, or cavity, in a tooth.

Dental Fillings

Replaces a lost or extracted tooth and proven to improve oral health.

Dental Implants

A way to restoring the structure of teeth after decay or damage.

Inlays & Onlays

A way to save an infected tooth from extraction.

Root Canal Therapy

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